Sunday, July 22, 2018

New Job, New Journey

I am so blessed to be starting this school year at a new Catholic school. I will teach middle school math and science and have a homeroom of 17 awesome 7th graders. They honestly have no idea what an amazing school year it is going to be. I don’t even know how amazing yet. But I’ve been praying for them and for their families since I signed my teaching contract 3 weeks ago. Hopefully they are praying for me too....
This school year is going to be amazing. I have desperately missed having my own classroom, and I feel that God has put me exactly where I will be able to be a truly authentic servant leader. So as I attend Mass in the truly gorgeous church, I am offering up all of my worries, anxieties, and sufferings to Jesus about the school year and starting again in a new school. I pray that I can reach and teach all of my students this year, and that God will work through me so that they all with know and feel God’s merciful love. 

Come, Holy Spirit! It is T minus 7 days until Mrs. Brickler, award-winning teacher, makes her return. But she is going to rock it. And teach the Truth and intentionally form Saints.