1. Unite yourself to the mission of Catholic schools. Teach the truth and lead your students to heaven.
2. Pray. Every single day. Pray for your students, their families, your co-workers, your principal, and your pastor.
3. Love your job. Be excited to come to work each day.
4. Love your students. Lead them to heaven with love. Ask them about their lives. Care about what they say. Build relationships of trust!
5. Like your students. Be excited to spend time with them, even if it is giving up a prep time to watch them give presentations to the younger students.
6. Make it easy for students to learn. If a student needs a pen or pencil, then just give them a pen or pencil! In my classroom, students can freely borrow (or KEEP) any writing utensil.
7. Students learn at different rates. Give students redo opportunities to learn objectives that were not previously mastered. Perseverance in learning more difficult skills is a valued life lesson.
8. Believe that there is always more to know and learn. Be a lifelong learner and always seek to improve how your students learn.
9. Be a valued team member. Always. Support your co-workers, even if you do not agree with them.
10. Have integrity. If you made a mistake, own it, even if it means apologizing to a student or parent.
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