Thursday, April 25, 2019

#NCEA19 Reflection & Takeaways

I am now at home after spending the past 3 days in Chicago with 9,000 other Catholic school educators at #NCEA19, and I am ON FIRE with everything I am taking away from the conference. Here are my TOP THREE (because lists make me look super organized):

1. My top takeaway is from a session that I attended about leadership development. Basically, as leaders, we are sometimes isolated, and sometimes teachers in Catholic schools feel isolated too. But we can’t force our way into a PLN; instead, we need to create our own connections and encourage our teachers to create their own connections too. There is so much that goes with this, especially when I think of forced PD sessions that frustrate teachers and sometimes principals too because the relationships are forced. Instead, we need to be empowered and we need to empower others to create our own relationships of learning and support. What does this look like? I’m thinking of the schools that use pineapple charts to have teachers welcome other teachers into their classrooms to experience the teaching and learning happening there. I’m thinking of the schools that have a strong faith community with daily prayer and faith sharing. I’m thinking of Catholic schools with a principal who can shape the professional culture of lifelong learners by using a hashtag on Twitter to flag resources for teachers to share and use. This was such a huge takeaway for me just because I have created this for myself, and I want others to experience the great live, joy, and support that comes from a professional learning community. But it can’t be forced. 

2. I am going to write a book for NCEA about using social media. There is a need to get the word out to Catholic school teachers especially! Twitter is where I found my tribe, where I am professionally valued, and where I feel I can learn from and contribute to genuine conversations that advance the mission of Catholic education. So I’m going to write about it. And pray more about it. And write about it done more. In my five-hour drive back to St. Louis, I mapped out an entire book outline in my head. I will write the book proposal and will submit it to Wade and Liz at NCEA like I promised. There is a NEED, and this is my gift to share! (I did say I was ON FIRE at the beginning of this blog, right?!?!)

3. I want to start a podcast featuring the GOOD things happening in Catholic schools. There were a bunch of sessions at #NCEA19 about podcasting, and I learned a LOT from @BarbInNebraska and Keven Rinaman about how simple it is to get started. On my way back to St. Louis, I listened to a podcast called “Beautiful Anonymous” at a smart friend’s recommendation as I was literally getting my car to drive back. The premise of that podcast is that someone tweets out a phone number for people to call once a week. One person gets through and gets to talk to the host for an hour about anything they want. It. Is. Fascinating. Catholic school teachers have a lot to say, but they always say more when they know that their anonymity is protected. So maybe this format. Or maybe I just talk to Catholic school educators. That one seems more likely. In any case, I am going to start a podcast, and it will be awesome because it will share the GOOD THINGS happening in our Catholic schools. And really, if I can’t be on Dr. Uhl’s podcast, Catholic School Matters, then I will make my own and invite HIM to be a guest.

I am SO grateful to NCEA for sponsoring me to attend #NCEA19 as the Social Media Influencer Contest Winner. I do not know what my future holds for me in Catholic education, but after attending #NCEA19 this week, I know God isn’t done with me in Catholic education yet! 

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