I helped lead a retreat REAP Team retreat (www.reapteam.org - if you don’t already know how awesome the REAP Team is!) for 8th graders today, and one of my absolute favorite things happened. Forgiveness happened! I love that the students, their teacher, and even our team members forgave someone there at the retreat or forgave someone who wasn’t at the retreat. Here are my big takeaways:
1. I’ve already forgiven the person in my life who has recently hurt me the absolute worst, BUT that doesn’t mean that it isn’t going to keep hurting and sucking for awhile. Like, maybe a long time. Forgiveness happened though.
2. I need to think about and feel this hurt to get over it. If I try to forget about it, it will never go away.
3. Face-to-face Reconciliation is best. If given the chance to see Jesus in the Sacrament, go see him face-to-face. For me, this helps me to forgive myself too.
4. Sometimes people don’t have the tools to be able to forgive you. And that’s okay. I pray for this person every single day.
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