Sunday, April 15, 2018

Top 10 Reasons to Hire Denise

I just applied for my #DreamJob, and I am hoping to make it to the point where the search committee does some social media research about me, like digs through my Twitter (which is public for this reason and many others) and finds this blog. If you are on this search and/or interview committee, CONGRATS and WELCOME! You found the good stuff, which is this: Denise’s blog where she really digs deep and then posts it for the world to see. AND SO, here are the Top Ten Reasons to Hire Denise for This Particular Job (which hopefully you are in charge of or at least have some kind of say towards who gets hired...) in no particular order:

1. Denise is awesome and will be an excellent addition to your parish’s leadership team. 
2. Denise is on fire for the new evangelization happening in your parish. 
3. Denise has abundant enthusiasm and energy for the Church and sharing Jesus with others. 
4. Denise has an infectious zeal and joy for living her Catholic faith. 
5. Denise has a strong personal desire and dedication to keeping young people active Catholics. 
6. Denise practices radical hospitality. 
7. Denise is very well catechized and has dedicated her life to teaching and serving others in Catholic schools and parishes. 
8. Denise is a missionary disciple and wants to serve your parish community in this way. 
9. Denise is very talented using all social media platforms to connect Catholic families to the mission and vision of your parish. 
10. Denise is currently seeking employment, is eager to be hired, and has chosen YOUR parish to prayerfully and faithfully consider serving. 

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