Saturday, April 14, 2018

How Retreats Saved Denise

In case you didn’t know, I was fired from my job in January.  This was fair based on things that happened.  But it DESTROYED me and sucked.  A lot.  During those first two weeks, I prayed a LOT.  I discerned what to do next.  I went and sat with Jesus in Eucharistic Adoration and cried.  Every day.  For two weeks. My heart was broken. And so was I. 

I had been praying for Jesus to show me what to do next to heal and to start to recover what was left of my career in Catholic education. And sometimes Jesus needs to be very intentional and obvious in order for me to get it, so I prayed that He would be. And, thankfully, Jesus brought it loud and clear to me. I had an awesome and amazing dream in which I was helping to lead a retreat with kids AND I was going from classroom to classroom in a Catholic school (because Jesus was there on huge crucifixes in each classroom) teaching different classes. So obviously this was what I was supposed to do next. I emailed the super awesome REAP Team to see if I could help lead retreats for the rest of the school year. I also emailed some principals who I liked and respected to see if I could substitute teach in their schools for the rest of the school year. The REAP Team said yes, and a few principals who I liked and respected said yes. And so the healing started. 

I’ve helped to lead about 15 retreats with the REAP Team in the past 2 months. And every single time is awesome. I truly believe that helping to lead retreats has helped me heal and prepare me for where God is leading me to serve the Church next. On some retreats, there is this forgiveness session with stones and Reconciliation and the chance to forgive someone who isn’t there. I’ve done this a few times, taken the stones with me, and prayed with them. And every time it gets easier. On retreats, I also get to share personal testimonies, which I love. I get to share how Jesus is THERE with me in my life, and I’m hoping that I’m leading some kids and even adults to have an awesome relationship with Jesus too. I know that doing this has caused me to be more aware of my gifts and has helped me to discern what is next for me. Retreating has basically saved me. God bless the Good Work being done by the REAP Team! And if you think to pray for us, please pray for the REAP Team!

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